Partners & Donors

Our partners and supporters are the key to our success. At ISAP, we believe, that partnering is core to creating impactful and scalable progress. ISAP partners with multiple stakeholders representing the rural livelihood development ecosystem in India.

Sister Organisations

While agricultural and rural development remains at the core of ISAP’s programs, it has, over time, adapted to complementary needs in the sector and established new organisations to fuse partnerships for a more holistic and multi-disciplinary approach.

Sister organisations – Founded by the Indigram Group and working in close collaboration with ISAP


Agri watch is the leader of agri-commodities insights and consulting services in India. It seeks to provide commodity information around supply, prices and market trends against a backdrop of multi layered channels in the agricultural input and output markets.


The Indian Society of Health Professionals (ISHP) has the vision to build, promote, develop and manage health care facilities and resources to achieve equitable and quality healthcare. Priority areas include elderly care support services, skill development, consultancy and preventative public health.

Indian Agriculture Professionals (IAP) Network Groups on Social Media

The Indian Agriculture Professionals Social Network group is among the largest group of professionals connected with agriculture anywhere in the world. This and other information sharing groups set up and managed by ISAP teams demonstrate working models of crowd sourced digital extension platforms based on the principles of the wisdom of connected communities. Currently the social media reach is almost 600k people and is a rich resource to receive expert and peer-to-peer knowledge around a vast array of agricultural topic.